Administrative Services

The following sections provide access to the necessary forms and information to set up new employees with many administrative functions within the State of Alaska. Not all employees need access to all of these functions. Employees should consult with their supervisor and division policies and procedures for more information.


Employee Resources

Resources for Supervisors (SOA Login Required)

This webpage provides resources for supervisors to address topics such as performance management and progressive discipline along with tools including an attendance tracker and prioritization matrix.

Employee Packets

This webpage from the Division of Personnel and Labor Relations contains all the forms necessary to process appointments, transfers, separations, and status changes for submission to Payroll.

New Employee Orientation

This webpage provides a self-guided orientation for new employees to learn about employment with the State of Alaska regarding a wide variety of topics such as payroll, insurance and retirement enrollment, and much more.

Employee Call Center

The Employee Call Center is responsible for providing a wide range of information and referral services to new and current employees in addition to serving as the first point of contact for all State of Alaska employment verification requests.

IRIS and ALDER Access

For general information regarding IRIS and ALDER, please visit the Division of Finance webpages for IRIS and ALDER.

IRIS Access Affidavit
This form gives the user view-only access to the IRIS system. It does not allow users to create or approve transactions in IRIS.

IRIS Security Request Form
Employees responsible for creating transactions in IRIS will need security access.
An employee who needs to approve transactions will need workflow (approval) access.

IRIS Security Role Reference Guide
A guide providing detailed information of available IRIS security roles and the functions associated with each role.

ALDER User Affidavit
This form gives the user access to the ALDER system.

Delegation of Purchasing Authority

DMVA Approving Officer SOP
An approving officer for the department may be delegated authority to approve invoices, authorize reimbursable service agreements, adjust accounting entries, authorize travel and reimbursements, and perform other high-level authorizations required to complete division financial and personnel functions.

Approving Officer Affidavit

MVA Delegation of Purchasing Authority Form

Procurement Manual Level 1

One Card Usage Agreement (

Other Administrative Functions

The Workplace Alaska self-guided training manual for hiring managers can be found in AspireAlaska by searching for “Workplace for Hiring Managers - (WPAK)”

For access to the Online Position Description (OPD) system, send a request to the DMVA HR Contact. You will need to state whether the employee should have reviewer or approval level access.

For access to E-Travel, contact the Department Travel Administrator.