Welcome to the Alaska Distributed Learning Program

Supporting the Alaska National Guard Distributed Learning Program to improve Army Readiness

The Alaska Army National Guard Distributed Learning Program leads the way in creating and utilizing such models to leverage the latest emerging technologies to distribute learning across an array of portable devices depending on the need of the individual user. The Alaska program features classrooms at Joint Elmendorf-Richardson Base in Anchorage, Alcantra Readiness Center in Wasilla, the Juneau Armory, the Fairbanks Armory, the Kenai Readiness Center, the Bethel Armory, and the Fort Greely Missile Defense Complex.



Picture, from left to right, of the Alaska State flag, Alaska Army National Guard shield, and the United States Flag.



Our Mission

To support the Alaska Army National Guard Distributed Learning Program to improve Army Readiness by providing rigorous, relevant, and tailored distributed training and education to Soldiers, leaders, and Army civilians anytime, anywhere from a responsive and accessible delivery capability.

Our Vision

Continuous adaptation to support a future learning environment characterized by a learner-centric, career-long continuum of learning that is persistently accessible and provides learning at the point of need.