
IT Services are provided for the Department by the Division of Administrative Services. We provide technical support, programming, internet services, and communications to all Divisions within the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. Our support hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm.

Contact the Helpdesk

For general helpdesk services:

For website related services:

Web Filter Waiver

MVA DAS-IT completes the web waivers for Department of Military & Veterans Affairs staff. If you need a web filter waiver, please complete the following steps:

  1. Download the Web Filter Waiver here.
  2. Complete the form according to the instructions and collect the appropriate signatures.
  3. Scan the completed form with signatures and email it to the helpdesk.

Important: The web filter affects your access to a category of websites. When you encounter a blocked site, please note the category that is listed and check the box for that category on the web filter waiver form. See image below.

Web filter waiver categories sample

When you activate your waiver to access a site, that activation will expire each year on December 31st.

Why is this required

The State of Alaska prevents users of the state network from reaching certain Internet sites, as indicated in State of Alaska Information Security policy (ISP-166, pdf, internal):

The SOA monitors and filters all web based traffic to the internet for non-business related material and malicious content to conserve bandwidth, to minimize the cost of conducting SOA business and to provide security to the SOA networks and assets which contain sensitive and/or confidential information.

Staff who have a business need to reach these site can use the waiver process to continue doing business.