About the Fiscal Accounting Section

The Accounts Payable section is responsible for encumbering, paying, and certifying all DMVA obligations. The section pays all invoices in accordance with state rules and regulations. The State Administrative Manual provides guidance to employees on proper expenditures and appropriate documentation of purchases. For detailed information on authorized state expenditures, click on the following links:

Disaster Relief Fund

The Disaster Relief Fund section manages the Disaster Relief Fund reporting and collection activities. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides substantial funds through several grants and if disaster strikes, FEMA may contribute funds to help Alaskans recover.

The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management a part of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs receives grants for Homeland Security that flow through to municipalities within the State of Alaska from the United States Office of Domestic Preparedness. The Disaster Relief Fund section manages all aspects and functions of the fiscal accounting and integrity of these funds.

Reimbursement Service Agreements

The Reimbursable Service Agreements section is responsible for all aspects of the financial accounting, and processing of, departmental budgeted and unbudgeted servicing and requesting Reimbursable Services Agreements (RSAs).

Reimbursable Service Agreements are used when one State agency, division, or specific appropriation contracts with another State or quasi-State department, division, or specific appropriation to perform a service.

Revenue & Reporting

The Revenue and Reporting Section reconciles grants and cooperative agreements with expenditures, prepares reimbursement requests, and records receivables.

The department is substantially funded by sources other than State general fund. Most of the revenue received in the department is federal. National Guard Bureau provides substantial support on a continuous basis through Cooperative Agreements.

Consequently, DAS must focus on a sound system to properly record expenditures, reconcile accounts, and prepare bills for collection. Quarterly and final status reports are provided to numerous federal funding agencies.


The Travel Section is responsible for processing completed departmental Travel Authorizations; providing advances and reimbursements to employees who travel on state authorized business; and reconciling the DMVA travel credit cards. In addition it provides assistance by answering questions concerning policy and procedures concerning travel.